Transform your business to work like the best

OKR Operating System

Richard Russell | Transformation coach

Focus | Align | Scale

Who Am I?

I'm a Transformation Coach - but people call me various things. I don’t really mind what you call me.The important thing is that I help you transform your business to work like the best, so you can innovate at scale and generate the kind of revenue growth and profit margins that only the best companies sustain.Working like the best means that you've got empowered teams focused on building products customers love, which also work for the business (they are profitable, marketable, sellable, serviceable, complaint, legal, and all the rest).Marty Cagan calls this the Product Operating Model in his most recent book, Transformed.I do this by working with executives across technology, product, sales, marketing, customer success, and operations teams to align them all in service of the goal of creating, delivering, and capturing value for customers.My clients come to me to accelerate innovation, to grow revenue, and to save costs, at the same time.And rather than these being conflicting goals, they are complimentary.I'd love to show you how.

Who Are My Clients?

My clients are typically CEOs of scaleups, CxOs and VPs of mid-size companies, and Directors or VPs in large enterprises.They are most often based in Europe, but I have clients from as far as San Francisco and Melbourne.




Companies I've worked for

Who Are My Clients?

My clients are typically CEOs of scaleups, CxOs and VPs of mid-size companies, and Directors or VPs in large enterprises.They are most often based in Europe, but I have clients from as far as San Francisco and Melbourne.




Companies I've worked for

What do my clients say?

What do my clients say?

What do I Believe In?

Customer Centricity

"Start with the customer and work backwards" - Steve JobsI start with your pains and needs and work backwards to the right solutions from there.And I help you do the same with your customers.


Empowering people means there are more brains being applied to identifying and executing the right strategy - and winning customers."With empowered teams, you don't need less management, you need better management" - Marty CaganI help empower both employees and managers, right up to the top.


One size does not fit all.What works for Google with their 150,000 people, their culture, and their business, won't work for you unchanged.I help you adapt from the best in ways that work for your people, culture, and business.

What is my approach?

We can talk theory all we like, but I prefer to implement practical tools (I call them mechanisms) adapted from Google, Amazon, and hundreds of successful scaleups, that give you immediate results, and which will transform your organisation as they are used.Together, we adapt them for use in your particular context so you get real results fast and build momentum for transformation.

“If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don't bother trying to teach them. Instead give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.”

- R. Buckminster Fuller

How can you contact me?

Book a Call


If you're interested in a full transformation, a targeted change, or a single intervention or consultation for your team or company, or you'd like to explore individual or team coaching, book a call with me below.We'll discuss your situation and needs, and if I can help you immediately on the call, I will.If you need more help and we think there's a fit, I'll propose next steps.

Connect by Email or LinkedIn

If it suits you better, or if you want to discuss partnering, connect on LinkedIn or send an email.

What Services do I Offer?

I help you transform your leadership, and through that, your business. Everything I do is customised for you, so I don't have a menu of offers. Best thing is to contact me (see above).But here's a bit more detail on who and how I help.

Team & Company

I help teams or whole companies transform, starting from the pains and needs you're experiencing and helping you implement changes that are proven to get results.And by results, I mean profit.


I help individuals with expert executive coaching, mixing practical advice and experience with training and coaching to help you succeed, whether you're looking for a promotion or new job, or taking on new responsibilities in an existing job.


Click below to find out more about the Scaleup Leaders Community.You'll benefit from peer and expert coaching, and practice your own coaching - one of the most important skills for any leader.

Do I write content?

Social Media Channels

I'm most active on LinkedIn, so please connect or follow me there first. My Twitter is mostly derived from my LinkedIn content.You'll also find some of my video content on YouTube - some of it is also on LinkedIn, but there's also some unique content there.

Scaleup Leaders Newsletter

About every two weeks, I send a newsletter that helps hundreds of people lead and manage better.Sometimes it's practical how-tos, sometimes it's stuff that will get you thinking or inspire you, and sometimes it's links to interviews or other content I've produced that I think you will value.You can unsubscribe any time, and I won't let your email address get used for anything else.

Do I have online training?

OKR MAnagement System

I've got one of the top-rated OKR courses on Udemy. It's really cheap (Udemy discount it frequently).You can check it out here - click on the image:

Webinar: April 26

You may have seen the article about Amazon Prime and the Product Operating Model that Marty Cagan and I co-authored.This webinar will go deeper into some of the specific ways Amazon manages the product process, and will draw out some actionable advice you can take on in your organisation to increase alignment and focus, and innovate at scale.I'll present the story in a bit more depth, and we'll talk about a bunch of Amazon-specific things through the lens of the Product Operating Model, with Prime as the main example, as well as talk about some of the experiences I've had working with executive teams around Europe transforming their operating models:

  • Input and Output Metrics and the Weekly Business Review (WBR)

  • Press Release & Frequently Asked Questions (PR&FAQ)

  • Delegation and the Single Threaded Leaders

  • Big Bets, Experiments, and Innovation

  • Six Pager Narratives

  • Effective Meetings

  • Project Tracking

  • Goals

There'll be an Ask Me Anything session at the end as well, so bring your questions - and feel free to add them below if you're willing to give me extra time to think them through!We'll be talking mostly from a larger corporate perspective, though many examples will come from scale-ups as well, so it will be relevant to any organisation with multiple layers.The target audience is executives:

  • CxO, VP and General Management

  • Product Managers and Leaders

  • Those involved in Transformation, both within companies and externally

  • And people who want to promote it within their organisation

Sign up below (and you can watch the replay if you prefer):


Over more than 20 years, I've worked for two of the world's most successful companies (Google and Amazon), consulted for some of the world’s largest enterprises, and helped some of the fastest growing scaleups build their management systems.I've been a software developer, a product leader, led customer service, and worked in every area of sales and marketing.I've been an individual contributor, a product leader, a c-suite executive, managed teams of over 100 people, and had responsibility for a P&L measured in the billions.I've always had a passion for understanding how business, leadership and management work.But it's not about me. It's about you.I get energy from helping people like you succeed.You inspire me.You are why I do what I do.Have a great day and scale well!

© 2024 Russell and Company SARL-S
All rights reserved.


Scaleup Leaders Newsletter

About every two weeks, I send a newsletter that helps hundreds of people lead and manage better.Sometimes it's practical how-tos, sometimes it's stuff that will get you thinking or inspire you, and sometimes it's links to interviews or other content I've produced that I think you will value.You can unsubscribe any time, and I won't let your email address get used for anything else.

Social Media Channels


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